Disney Channel – 2019 GFX Package

I was fortunate enough to be able to collaborate with my friends at MAkinÉ; in another full redesign of the Disney Channel On-Air Package, this time the developed look centered on the Hand-drawn “Doodles”, by the talented artist Chaz Waters.

Apart from many of the pieces, I had to develop many of the “Doodles” in 3d and for that I had to interpret the hand-drawn artsy look to a mixture of clever, NPR shaders, and Strokes, to be able to capture the essence of Chaz’s doodles and bring them to 3d.

Also once again, I developed a system of After Effects expressions and scripts to be able to streamline the process of generating the volume of pieces the DC was going to have to generate with the toolkit we delivered.

Overall it was a very rewarding experience and I liked the end product a lot. Thanks for the opportunity DC, MAkinÉ and Chaz. Special thanks to Otto Scheuren for the great work putting it all toghether in this sizzle reel. It’s always great to collaborate with you guys.